Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Mission Eurovision

I am a woman on a mission. May is nearing and May is Eurovision time, unfortunately for me Eurovision isn't shown on TV in America, not even on BBC America (which, by the way, shows nothing but Cash in the Attic, Benny Hill and Whose Line is it Anyway?). I could watch it online through my laptop but what's the liklihood of that working as it should and not crashing half-way through Bosnia's piece de resistance? Also the internet broadcast Eurovision shows a distinct lack of Terry who is Mr Eurovision. Without his commentary, frankly I am not interested (well maybe a little bit but not nearly as much). So, with my heart full of longing for Terry and Eurovision in beautiful union as they should be, I have started a petition which I intend to send to BBC America making my demands. Please sign it and save me from a Eurovision & Terry-free year. America needs to see this! I also recommend if you could take the time that you go here and fill in the form direct to BBC America requesting Eurovision to be added to the schedule.

Spread the word.


Guadalupe Salad said...

Nothing to do with this post. Just wanted to say "Howdy". I'm a native Okie (Edmond, to be exact). I went to school at OU. Your description of the football game is entertaining. I've never heard tackle football uniforms called "kits". I love my Sooners, but I also love the original football.

I spent 2 years in the Midlands, near Oxford where I learned my name is also a popular dog name. Enjoy your time in the Sooner State! Hopefully I'll also be running the OKC Marathon (see my blog). I post as SoonerRunner on Runners World forums.

britoutofwater said...

A dog and a scary boxer. In fact I wonder if most dogs called Tyson are boxers...

I am trying my best to be full of Sooner Pride but it's quite alien to me. In Britain you'd be lucky to find even a couple of spectators at a most college football (soccer) games!

I'm excited about the OKC marathon, it will be my first and I'm very glad that the ice has finally melted so that I can run outside again. I was starting to worry that this marathon attempt would be thwarted by the weather!

Anonymous said...

So disappointed, went to the link to send my request to BBCA and got a page saying "Crikey--the page you want is no longer posted here."
Last year I tried so hard to see Eurovision things on the web to see why it was so exciting but it just didn't work.

britoutofwater said...

BBC America just went all snazzy and updated their website so my link stopped working. I am on the case though and it should be pointing to the right place shortly.