Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Bathroom Renovation Phase 2 (or maybe 3)

So the next phase of the project is to fix the sash window as one of the cords had broken and I'll be damned if I'm going to paint the window frame and walls and make it all pretty only to have to remove the window frame and damage the paintwork to make the window functional. To do this I had to remove the sash window itself and open up the frame in order to get to the weight mechanism inside. This whole project is kind of fascinating to me as I get to see how houses are built and what's hidden inside things like window frames (cobwebs, giant counterweights and dirt) and walls (cobwebs, razor blades and dirt). So as you can see I've managed to get the frame off (after another trip to Lowes for a pry-bar) and am ready to replace the ropes and put the window. Of course it's never as simple as you want it to be and I've now realised that actually the top part of the window is a sash too which has never been properly functional so I have to decide whether or not I want to do that bit too.

I might be more into the demolition part than the actual repair...

And with the bathroom in a renewed state of dismantling and like a proper labourer I've decided that I need to stop lunch...

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

The Iggy Lick of Approval

For those of you following my bathroom renovation saga, the sink (and floor and wall tiles) is finally installed. It's been very trying not least because I don't have access to my dad's huge pool of tools and also because Americans call tools and materials different things so it's been a linguistic as well as practical application experience.

On top of that Iggy was not entirely sure about this whole mess we were making and gave me many imploring looks about what on Earth we thought we were doing and why on Earth we would remove his favourite perch. I explained it slowly to him about having more space to move around the bathroom and how the water would taste much better coming through a tap that wasn't clogged up with limescale and after much thought he decided that I was right afterall and leapt up to investigate.

He is now pleased to give the new sink his lick of approval and thinks that maybe it might be his favourite new drinking spot even though there's not as much space to sit and watch us in the shower.