Friday, February 23, 2007

Run Like The Wind... Or Against It..

I am apparently rubbish at maintaining a consistent blogging presence. I've been busy; term started and I had to do silly things like homework and reading and I'm now 64 days away from my marathon and running silly amounts.

The weather has not been cooperating with my marathon efforts, there was ice and snow and wind. Oh the wind! I like to think of it as resistance training but I wish that it would stop for just one run. No matter what direction I run in I seem to end up running against the wind on the way back when I've already run 7 miles and would like the wind to help not hinder. Oh well, who knows what might happen on race day so it's probably for the best.

Anyway, speaking of running, that's what I must off and do now. I must remeber to write a game report of the OU Basketball game Amanda and I saw (it was actually the most exciting sporting event that I've ever spectated except maybe the rodeo...) and I probably should have written something fun about Halloween but I never quite got around to it. Here's a photo though, we were Tinkerbell and Peter Pan and incredibly cute.

Unfortunately all the photos I have don't capture the outfit and make me look naked but rest assured I was dressed and cute all at once...