The Ice Storm
So Ice Storm number two of my stay in Oklahoma is coming. Actually it's here and it's not going anywhere. The last Ice Storm lasted a day and took more than a week to melt. This one is predicted to last possibly until Monday. Goodness only knows how long this will take to melt. It is hailing fairly hard and has been hailing since about 9 this morning. Although the roads are only just now cold enough for it to settle, the grass in front gardens, the tops of cars and roofs of houses are white. We have enough food to last us and thankfully we have gas heating in case there's a power-cut we shouldn't be affected. I even bought a couple of loaves of bread just in case for some reason we can't cook. We have candles, we'll be fine. Actually being trapped in the house all weekend is really rather romantic particularly as we have nothing pressing to do. If only we had a fire to curl up by.
This is of course totally messing with my marathon training schedule of which I am in week 2 but I'd rather skip a run than risk breaking a hip. It's only a seven miler anyway!
I'll try to keep you posted as the storm develops, I've even charged up my phone so I can keep you updated by text.