Monday, March 26, 2007

Democracy Sucks

Amanda and I have finally found a way of watching British TV. We had for too long been subjected to the complete tosh that BBC America tries to force upon the American public and British ex-pats alike. But enough is enough and UKNova has come to the rescue. I actually can't say thank you enough to the team of people in the UK who must just feel sorry for folks like me stuck without British TV and who use their own time to capture and make available British TV shows so that I can watch them. Last week I was able to watch Eastenders for the first time since July as well as Dead Ringers and Bonkers (that was mum's recommendation) and of course as soon as the torrent for Making Your Mind Up became available I was all over it...

I was shocked at the results. After all the anticipation, all the hype: Will Morrissey be singing? Will all these "real bands" get into the Eurovision vibe? Will we actually have anything good? We get one decent song and five piles of poo. And what do the public select from this clear choice of 5 really bad songs and one that might actually stand a chance? This great big pile of poo.

Flippin' Scooch. I hate them. Not only can they not sing (my good friend texted me during the competition to tell me they are "shoddy live" which seems an accurate description), but their song is awful, they're "Flying the Flag" but for what I don't know and besides Europe kind of hates us so waving the Union Jack around seems like a daft idea. And on top of that they keep saying lewd things in a salacious manner and I'm not sure this is to be encouraged. I mean, come on "Some salted nuts sir?"

One of the singers (the "captain" of this rag tag outfit) was on this show, which I think explains the caliber of what we are dealing with here.

AND. As if all of that weren't enough, I'm having a case of deja vu....

Slovenia 2002 and they did it far better. Sequins and erm...all.

So, I'm voting that we remove the vote from the British public and give it to me. They clearly can't handle the responsibility.


Anonymous said...

Not Serbia actually. It was Slovenia. Call yourself a fan?!?

britoutofwater said...

You're right, my bad. I've now fixed it. I got the year right and managed to google images to find a photo but managed to type in the wrong S-starting and ia-ending country when it came to actually writing my entry.

I don't think Serbia and Montenegro were even in the 2002 ESC.

And you're wrong, at no point did I claim to be a fan though. I just claimed that I'd be a better song selector.

I am a fan though. I just have no memory for facts.

britoutofwater said...

I saw the twinkle in his eye in Making Your Mind Up. He knows it's a pants song.

I think he'll just laugh a lot and be tipsy and then ramble about Eastern block countries all voting for each other and no one else having a chance now they've all joined (conveniently forgetting that neither Greece nor Finland are part of any such block).

I love Terry, I think I'll have to make myself another life-size stand-up.

verybuzzybee said...

Well, what about Verka? (Ukraine)? Now she's one entertaining singer :) I've had her album for years....

Mmm, drinking Russian style (pickles! pickles!):
And just being silly and singing about being hungover:

Oh and I must force this on you too :)
