Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Nasty Little Blighters

This is a zebra mosquito. It also has a fancy Latin name but what really matters is that it is evil and dishes out the most evil of mosquito bites that ever were dished out. OK. So maybe I don't have malaria. I don't even have the West Nile virus that these little blighters have a penchant for infecting their victims with. Heck, I don't even have Dengue Fever (or break-bone fever to old school mosquito-borne-disease watchers) but goodness me I itch!

Look! Just look at the state of my pegs!

These Oklahoma mosquitoes are mean. I thought that Portugal had it all as far as really itchy insect bites go (minus the diseases). I thought I'd experienced the pain of itchy bites at their full-force... but no! These bugs are the meanest of the mean and this photo of my legs wasn't even taken with the bites at the height of their purpliness. One friend even thought I had ring-worm and I can't even shave my legs for fear of nicking a bite and dying a terrible death like Lord Carnarvon of Tutankhamen curse fame...

Frankly my legs look a fright which is largely easily avoided by covering up. However when I'm in my running get-up I'm afraid that, rather than a marching band, my run may soon be accompanied by the sound of a small child screaming and running in the opposite direction. I'm trying to be tough and put on the facade of super-tough running girl who runs despite horrible infestation but it's tough. The itching is driving me up the wall and I don't think my constant wriggling is doing much for Amanda's sleep either so I have a solution. Mosquitoes of Norman listen up: I know I am a tasty morsel but I think perhaps you will find Amanda to be exceedingly tasty too. Why don't you pick on her instead?!


Anonymous said...

Oh, good grief, that looks horrendous! To think I was moaning about the daddy-long-legs invasion we've had too. Eww.

Unknown said...

It's weird that there isn't a heck of a lot of information on these particular mosquitoes. Could it be a new breed that's still under investigation?